Task Description:

**Ansible**Role to Configure K8S MultiNode Cluster over AWS Cloud.

Before we start the actual task…

  • We will need key pair to launch the **_ec2 _**instance using ansible already in our controller node of ansible.
  • we need to create an IAM user created to login to AWS via the controller node.

Steps to complete the task:

1. Create Ansible Playbook to launch 3 AWS EC2 instances.

  • Here I have used dynamic inventory for adding EC2 instance as host for further process of Kubernetes creating cluster.
  • As we are using dynamic inventory then the inventory plugins for AWS i.e **ec2.ini **and ec2.py will fetch the IP address of the master and slaves using the tag names respectively. The first role will run for configuring the Master node and then the role for configuration of Worker Nodes.
  • For dynamic inventory copy aws-dynamic-inventory folder from the git repository link given:-


Make the files inside “aws-dynamic-inventory” folder executable using

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Launch Wordpress Application with MySQL Database in K8S cluster on AWS using Ansible .
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