Over the last 24 months or so, TinyMCE has had more underlying restructuring than ever before. We’ve done this in order to take TinyMCE into the modern age of JavaScript, with modern UI/UX thinking and a rich plugin and API infrastructure, ensuring it remains the most popular open source rich text editor and the number one choice for professional software developers.

Between 2003 and 2020, the TinyMCE code has been rewritten quite a few times. In the early years, the code was often completely rewritten, but more recently, changes tend to happen more gradually, in steps. We have embraced a continuous improvement process, to make it easier for our community of developers to migrate to each new version, and move forward with us more easily with both our open source and enterprise offerings.

Our early adoption of unit testing, and the amount of tests we have developed over the years, gives us the confidence to make major changes in the underlying code without disrupting our core users. It is like we are refurbishing an apartment or house with the tenants still in it.

#javascript #web-development

Moving TinyMCE to Modern Javascript
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