Sales is still a not so data-centric environment compared to other parts of a company (Marketing, Operations, Finance). Especially when we consider B2B sales. Changing the way we see the leads can improve a lot your team’s performance.
The Sales Funnel
For years, one of the most essential practices for sales Heads is the weekly review of the sales funnel. This funnel is essentially the amount of lead in each of the sales processes, or the amount of possible income (in the form of PV, One Time Income, etc). This tool is included in almost all of CRM software as part of the sales module as it is widely used.
Having a 10,000 feet overview of where the money is and where should the effort of the sales team be is the goal of the funnel. The problem is this: the tool only shows us a screenshot of the current state. It is useful to track and forecast sales, but, small changes on the visualization can lead to great benefits.

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