Laravel provides a clean, simple API over the great  SwiftMailer library with drivers for SMTP, Mailgun, SparkPost, Amazon SES, PHP’s mail function, and sendemail, allowing you to quickly get started sending mail through a local or cloud-based service of your choice. If you are looking for a solution for How To Send Email In Laravel then this post will answer that question. We will use the Laravel Mailable class to send an email.

Send Email In Laravel 7

To send an email in Laravel, we can use the mailable class that handles the email configuration. A new feature from Laravel 5.3 is a way to simplify sending an email by creating a “mailable” class that handles setting up your emails.

So we will first define the email configuration inside a .env file and then create a mailable class. While building that mailable class’s instance, we pass the data that needs to be displayed in the mail, and then we are good to go.

The API based drivers such as Mailgun and Postmark are often simpler and faster than SMTP servers. If possible, you should use one of these drivers. All of the API drivers require the Guzzle HTTP library, which may be installed via the Composer package manager:

composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle

First, we will start this example by downloading the latest Laravel which is Laravel 7 for this post.

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Larave Sending Email | How To Send Email In Laravel
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