You can find Part One of our series here, where we built the backend. In Part Two of the series, we built the UI with Telerik UI for Xamarin.

In this final installment of this blog series, we’ll discuss how to build a conversational UI using RadChat and a custom trained Azure natural Language Understanding model (aka LUIS). These posts can be read independently, but if you want to catch up read part one and part two.

Powering the Conversation

The Telerik UI for Xamarin RadChat control is intentionally designed to be platform agnostic. Although I’m using Azure for this project, you can use anything you want or currently have.

I wanted to be sure that the app had a dynamic and intelligent service communicating with the user, this is where Azure comes into the picture again. We can train a LUIS model to identify certain contexts to understand what the user is asking for. For example, are they asking about the product details or shipping information?

To get started, follow the Quickstart: create a new app in the LUIS portal tutorial. It’s quick and easy to spin up a project and get started training the model with your custom intents.

At this point you might want to think about if you want to use IntentsEntities or both. The ArtGallery CRM support page is better served with using Intents. To help you choose the right approach for you app, Microsoft has a nice comparison table - Entity compared to Intent.

#crm #xamarin

Building a CRM with Xamarin.Forms and Azure, Part 3
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