Rock paper scissors game is also known as stone paper scissors. It is a hand game that is usually played between 2 people, each player can randomly form any one of three from their hand.

A player who chooses rock will win by another player who chooses scissors but loose by the player who chooses paper; a player with paper will loose by the player with the scissors.

If both players choose the same then the game is tied. Rock paper scissors game is mainly played among kids.

Rock-Paper-Scissors Game Python Project

The object of the rock-paper-scissor python project is to build a game for a single player that plays with a computer, anywhere, and anytime. This project is base on the rules that:

  • rock blunts scissors so rock wins
  • scissors cut the paper so scissors win
  • paper cover rock so paper wins

This project is build using tkinter, random modules, and the basic concept of python.

In this python project, players have to choose any one from rock, paper, and scissors. Then click on the play button will show the result of the game.

#python tutorials #python

Python Rock Paper Scissors Game
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