JavaScript a language which works in a multiple way and makes its self quite interesting by its multipurpose activity.

Js has 2 kinds of values as the first one is ​Primitive Values​, and

then there are ​Objects and Functions​.​ But it has 9 separate types in this two values.

● Undefined​ (undefined), used for unintentionally missing values.

● Null​ (null), used for intentionally missing values.

● Booleans​ (true and false), used for logical operations.

● Numbers​ (-100, 3.14, and others), used for math calculations.

● Strings​ (“hello”, “abracadabra”, and others), used for text.

● Symbols​ (uncommon), used to hide implementation details.

● BigInts​ (uncommon and new), used for math on big numbers.

● Objects​ ({} and others), used to group related data and code.

● Functions​ (x => x * 3 and others), used to refer to code.

In this types Null And Undefined are the lonely one.

If we ask questions in expressions to Js they give us the answer.For example, the 3+ 3 expression is answered with 6.

We can inspect the type of any element by using expression typeof . For example, typeof(5) is the string value “number”.

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Fundamental JavaScript You Need to know
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