Learn to Build a GraphQL Server with MERN

1. GraphQL Server (MERN + GraphQL): Intro & Demo

In this series, we will implement a GraphQL server that using Node and Express to communicate to a MongoDB Database and fetch and persist data to a social media app backend.

2. GraphQL Server (MERNG): Register & Login Users

We write mutations for registering new users and loggin them in and issuing authentication JWT tokens for them.

Full code: https://github.com/hidjou/classsed-graphql-mern-apollo/tree/class2

3. GraphQL Server (MERNG): Authentication Middleware & Create/Delete Posts

In this class we create a helper function to check if the user is authenticated and use it as middleware on queries/mutations that require the user to be logged in, and write mutations for creating and deleting posts.

Full code: https://github.com/hidjou/classsed-graphql-mern-apollo/tree/class3

4. GraphQL Server (MERNG): Likes & Comments (Finishing up)

In this class we implement functionality for posting/deleting comments and for liking/unliking posts, this is the last video for this series, after this we’ll start to work on the react front-end.

#GraphQL #MongoDB #Node #Express #Databases

Learn to Build a GraphQL Server with MERN
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