User Story is the High-level definition of the requirement of project demands, that involves enough information that the developer has to give an estimate of the effort required to implement it. User Story is one of the artifacts for Scrum Project Teams Sometimes also called as a description of a feature, In Agile Development we define user story and as per the priority of feature moved to particular sprint or iteration. Sprint can be of 1 week or 2 weeks. It’s better not to make a sprint for more than two weeks.

The vision behind User Story creation is Aligning Goals & Constraints.

The three C’s of a user story
User story card contains a concise description of the functionality of the particular feature.

It happens Just in Time when Team does a discussion about the Story to get more details.

Test efforts that confirm a story’s completion which involves the actual definition of “Done.”

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Agile User Story Overview, Design Thinking for Agile User Stories
1.60 GEEK