Testing machine learning (ML)-based systems requires different approaches compared to traditional software. With traditional software, the specification and its relation to the implementation is typically quite explicit: “When the user types a valid username and matching password, they are successfully logged in”. Very simple to understand, deterministic, and easy to write a test case for.

ML-based systems are quite different. Instead of clearly defined inputs and logical flows based on explicit programming statements, a ML-based system is based on potentially huge input spaces with probabilistic outcomes from largely black-box components (models). In this article, I take a look at metamorphic testing, which is a technique that has become increasingly popular to address some of the ML-based systems testing challenge. I will go through some of the latest research, and present examples from different application domains.

Metamorphic Testing

Metamorphic Testing (MMT) was originally proposed quite a while back, at least up to Chen1998. Having worked a long time with software testing research, I always viewed MMT as a curiosity with few real use cases. With ML-based systems, however, it seems to have found its niche nicely.

The general idea of MMT is to describe the system functionality in terms of generic relations between inputs, the generic transformations of those inputs and their outputs, rather than as mappings of specific inputs to specific outputs.

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Metamorphic Testing of Machine-Learning Based Systems
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