16 Flutter Textfield Libraries for Developers

Flutter Simple Autocomplete Formfield

A Flutter widget that wraps a TextFormField and assists with autocomplete functionality.

"Flutter Simple Autocomplete Formfield"

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Flutter Date Field

Contains DateField and DateFormField which allows the user to pick a DateTime from an input field!

"Flutter Date Field"

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Flutter Focus Widget

A focusable and blurable TextField widget

"Flutter Focus Widget"

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Flutter Dropdown Formfield

A Flutter package that provides a dropdown form field using a dropdown button inside a form field.


  • Can be used as regular form field.
  • Simple to implement.
  • Simple and intuitive to use in the app.
  • Provides validation of data.
  • Provides requirement of the field.
  • Follows the app theme and colors.

"Flutter Dropdown Formfield"

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Flutter Pin Code Fields

A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields with beautiful design and animations. Can be useful for OTP or pin code inputs 🤓🤓

Features 💚

  • Automatically focuses the next field on typing and focuses previous field on deletation
  • Can be set to any length. (3-6 fields recommended)
  • 3 different shapes for text fields
  • Highly customizable
  • 3 different types of animation for input texts
  • Animated active, inactive, selected and disabled field color switching
  • Autofocus option
  • Otp-code pasting from clipboard
  • iOS autofill support
  • Error animation. Currently have shake animation only. Watch the example app for how to integrate.
  • Get currently typed text and use your condition to validate it. (for example: if (currentText.length != 6 || currentText != “your desired code”))

"Flutter Pin Code Fields"

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Flutter Pattern Formatter

A Flutter package provides some implementations of TextInputFormatter that format input with pre-defined patterns

"Flutter Pattern Formatter"

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Flutter Beauty Textfield

BeautyTextfield made with Flutter

"Flutter Beauty Textfield"

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Flutter Pinput

🔥🚀 Flutter package to create Pin code input text field with every pixel customization possibility 🎨 with beautiful animations

"Flutter Pinput"

  • Backspace on keyboard
  • Every pixel customization
  • Nice animations
  • Form validation
  • Ios auto fill - testing needed
  • PreFilledSymbol

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Flutter Imc Calc

Simples exemplo utilizando Flutter. TextFormFilde, TextField para validação de campos.

"Flutter Imc Calc"

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Flutter Pinbox

This is a library for enter a PIN on flutter/dart. You can enter one digit per textField box.

"Flutter Pinbox"

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Flutter Simple Login

A new flutter demo application built to show users how to construct a simple login page with only the use of Text Fields and TextEditingControllers, and without the user of a built-in Form.

"Flutter Simple Login"

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Flutter Tagging

A flutter package with tagging or multi-select functionality. Useful for adding Tag or Label Selection Forms.

"Flutter Tagging"

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Pin Input Text Field

PinInputTextField is a TextField widget to help display different style pin. It supports all the platforms flutter supports.

Feature 👇👇

  • allow you customized the shape, any!
  • built-in 4 commonly used pin styles of shape
  • obscure support
  • solid support
  • enterColor support
  • support all the textField properties support
  • Flutter web support

"Pin Input Text Field"

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Pin Code Text Field

A highly customisable Flutter widget for entering pin code. Suitable for use cases such as login and OTP.
It’s a beautiful and highly customizable Flutter widget for entering pin code. Suitable for use cases such as login and OTP.

"Pin Code Text Field"

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Flutter Money text field form

MoneyTextFormField is one of the flutter widget packages that can be used to input values in the form of currencies, by displaying the output format in realtime.

"Flutter Money text field form"

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Flutter Autocomplete Textfield

An autocomplete Textfield for flutter

"Flutter Autocomplete Textfield"

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16 Flutter Textfield Libraries for Developers
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