Web Page — One of the simplest yet most powerful things of the Internet world. We all would have seen a beautifully designed work at a snail’s pace, and we would have seen at least one poorly designed page that works so fast and efficient that we ignore the design. Why? All because of the code behind the scenes. Long sessions of brainstorming, research, design and user experience considerations for the functionality, all these mean nothing if the code executes poorly. Have you ever wondered how JavaScript code performs? What are the options to drill down to code execution?

Like most of you out there, I use Chrome, and I use Angular. Let us dig into the very first we should use — developer tools in the browser.

Lighthouse & Performance Tabs in Developer tools

Every one of us would have seen the Lighthouse tab in their developer tools. Lighthouse is a widely used tool that measures a web page based on Performance, Accessibility, SEO, Best Practise. The recommendation for Lighthouse is that it’s better to run the report in the incognito mode to avoid browser extensions messing with your report.

#web-development #front-end-development #performance #javascript #angular

Measuring JavaScript Performance the Easy Way
2.75 GEEK