Versioning is the term what computer software industry folks use. But the general/ equivalent term (at least as I believe) is the Evolution.

Evolution is something that we all go through and it’s applicable for every single object in this world.

Joe Version 1.0 - 5.0

Joe Version 1.0 - 5.0

Joe goes through different stages/ states in his life. It happens automatically and Joe’s evolution is beyond his control. But if we look at the house we live in, it may not be the same setup we used to live when we were kids. Due to various reasons, we had to modify/ enhance the house to cater to our current/ modern needs.

My House Version 1.0 - 4.0

My House Version 1.0 - 4.0

As we can see from the above example, change is inevitable. It applies to the computer software industry as well. We see every computer software comes with a different release/ version every 3–4 years to cater to the current/ modern requirements.

Microsoft Windows Version History

Microsoft Windows Version History

Versioning is the practice of the creation and management of multiple releases of a software product. It allows consumers to decide which version to use depending on their requirements. It very well applies to APIs as well.

The creation of an API always starts with an idea of enabling application integration with internal/ external application developers. Just like any other traditional software product, it always starts small and evolves over time. Let’s look at the below simple use case to understand it well.

For example, you may want to enable internal/ external application developers to access Customer information and you may start creating an API to provide the required functionality. As the first release, you may provide an API with only the Read access to the Customer information. Later, with the increasing demand of the application(s), your application developers may request Write/ Update access to the Customer information. As an API creator/ developer, you can decide whether:

  1. To provide a new version of the same API with Write/ Update access to the Customer information
  2. To provide a separate API altogether to provide Write/ Update access to the Customer information

#integration #api management #api design #api development #wso2 api manager #api versioning

Versioning is the term what computer software industry folks use.
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