Today we’re announcing the release of several new experiences to empower our customers to achieve more, with the preview release Microsoft Q&AMicrosoft Assessments and many exciting new features launching on Microsoft Learn – the best place to start learning Microsoft technologies.

It was just over a year ago we launched Microsoft Learn at Microsoft Ignite with over 80 hours of Azure, Dynamics 365 and Power BI interactive training. We’ve been hard at work over the last year and are excited to share that we now have more than 700 modules and over 580 hours of training with expansion across Azure, Dynamics, Power BI and the addition of M365 learning paths. Microsoft Learn is hands down the best resource to help you master your skills as well as prepare for certification exams. This week we have launched several new experiences:

Collections on Microsoft Learn

You can now personalize your learning experience or share with your teams by creating custom collections of trainings. Through your profile, you can create, name, manage and share your collections. At Microsoft Ignite you’ll also be able to access several curated collections from experts across the company.

Microsoft Learn collections.


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#microsoft q&a #microsoft assessments #microsoft learn

Introducing Microsoft Q&A, Microsoft Assessments
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