Continuous Integration and _Continuous Deploymen_t pipelines are automated processes, part of de DevOps ecosystem, that can help you improve the quality of your software through its whole lifecycle and make production deployments in a more predictable and efortless way.

In this article, we are going to configure GitHub Actions for linting, building, testing and releasing the Docker images of our Golang application. After doing so, we will create a Helm chart, push it to our Helm repository and deploy it to our Kubernetes cluster by using another GitHub Action.

1. The Application

We will be working with Gotway, a lightweight API gateway written in Golang that allows you to expose your HTTP and gRPC services to the internet and provides out of the box features like health checking, service discovery and caching in Redis.

#ci-cd-pipeline #kubernetes #github-actions #docker #helm

CI/CD for a Multi-Arch Golang Application Using GitHub Actions, Helm and Kubernetes
1.30 GEEK