Discussing how to write quality code is the same type of conversation as discussing what the best cloud provider is. There are a ton of different theories, opinions, and speculations. But one thing holds true with writing code—it must have some key components, including:

  • A confirmation that breaking bugs don’t exist (it’s inevitable to at least have a few bugs)
  • Clear, concise syntax
  • Best practices are followed for the language.
  • Some sort of documentation.

A guide on every single best practice would most likely be over 20,000 words, which I’m sure you aren’t interested in reading. Instead, this guide will go over four popular ways to ensure you’re writing quality code with Golang.

To follow along with this guide, you should have:

  • An understanding of Golang. Although you don’t have to be an expert, this isn’t a blog post on the basics of Go.
  • Knowledge of development practices (linting, syntax highlighting, etc.)

#go #golang

Write Quality Code in Golang
7.05 GEEK