If you wanna understand coding, you have to understand a few core concepts. Once you understand those concepts you can very easily learn any programming language.

****** What You’d LEARN IN THIS COURSE *******
1- Introduction to Coding ( 01:56)

2- Why it’s important to Learn C++ (06:20)

3- C++ First Program Hello World (08:21)

4- C++ Data Types (12:41)

5- C++ Comments (18:32)

6- C++ Variables (21:53)

7- C++ Operators (25:30)

8- C++ Strings (29:17)

9- C++ IF/ELSE (33:14)

10- C++ For Loop (41:32)

11- C++ While Loop (46:13)

12- C++ Switch (50:32)

13- C++ Array (58:55)

14- C++ Date/Time (01:08:18)

15- C++ Basic I/O (01:12:46)

16- C++ Break/Continue (01:17:53)

17- C++ Pointers (01:25:50)

18- C++ File Read/Write (01:30:39)

19- C++ Functions (01:37:46)

20- C++ Basic Math Functions (01:49:08)

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Become a Programmer in 2 Hours
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