Jetpack Compose, the next big change in Android is now in the alpha stage, so this might be the perfect time to start exploring the library and find out how it will help us writing better user interfaces with ease.

Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android. — Official Docs.

Benefits of Using Compose

  • Jetpack compose eliminates us writing long XML files. The same UI can be created with less amount of declarative code.
  • Jetpack compose automatically handles the change in UI state when the data in the app changes.
  • It is compatible with the existing code in our app. You can easily migrate to compose.
  • It has built in support for material design, animations, dark theme etc.
  • It has direct access to the Android platform APIs.

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Exploring Jetpack Compose: The Basics
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