In this episode, I will share with you some settings in Visual Studio Code that have helped speed up my workflow. This helps me use VS Code like a pro!

This short tippet shows some of the setups I have added recently, which I have been enjoying and help me be productive longer. I have a tonne of custom settings like format on save and custom themes, but the few I have listed here are slightly less conventional but have made a big difference to my workflow.

We will mess around with vscode to:

  • Move the sidebar to the right
  • Disable the minimap
  • Disable open editors
  • Enabling font Ligatures

Being productive when we work with Visual Studio code is important since we sit in front of our editors for hours and hours per day…

I hope you like the tips and if you have any extras that you don’t see many people adding please leave them in the comments below. 👇

Fira Code

#vscode #programming #developer

Visual Studio Code Setup to Improve Your Development Experience | Productivity Settings in VS Code
3.90 GEEK