In the post, We will go through Flask overview and write simple HTTP APIs in Flask.

Let us understand first what is Flask — Micro web framework?

Flask is a micro web framework that aims to keep the core (i.e.; building HTTP APIs) simple but at the same time extensible.

Flask enables you to get started quickly with the web development and as and when you grow your application use the extensions as per the requirements.

  • We can quickly get started to design and write our Application APIs.
  • Simple API design, No complexity at all.
  • Light weight and readable code, but powerful and highly scalable.
  • Configurable HTTP attributes.
  • Flask has many extensions and enables to extend the framework for other integrations like database, authentication, authorization, etc.
  • Flask has WSGI servers support. We can run the our Flask application using WSGI servers like Gunicorn, uWSGI, CherryPy, mod_wsgi for improving the performance.

Let us write a simple Web/HTTP API in Flask

#web-framework #flask #restful-api #python

Flask — Micro web framework explained in 5 minutes
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