RabbitMQ using Python Lesson 2 : Work Queues

RabbitMQ Work Queues implemented using docker and Python

Creating RabbitMQ Send / Receive Hello World code using Python

This piece of code is in Python, so you need python and pika library.

$ python -m pip install pika --upgrade

RabbitMQ: Downloading & Installing.


If you’re on Linux or Ubuntu, simplest way is to use RabbiMQ docker image.

$ docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management

Open new terminal window, Then start consumer (receiver) receive.py first
$ python receive.py

Open another new terminal window, start producer (sender) send.py ,
$ python send.py

Thats it! Enjoy.

Download code from here:


#rabbitmq #python

RabbitMQ using Python : Work Queues - Lesson  2
2.70 GEEK