Welcome to the second part of our Micro Frontend article series. In the previous article, we introduced the concept of  Micro Frontends, with a detailed overview of how this new approach seeks to address the issue of monolithic frontend architecture by approaching front-end development on similar lines as the back-end process.

The frontend monolith is broken down into smaller components, making them more manageable. There are different approaches to deploying the Micro Frontends technique for front-end development efficiency. Irrespective of the approach you adopt, building Micro Frontends optimally requires leveraging the right tools.

The first article also touched upon the different parameters used in the Micro Frontend approach to slice an entire application into smaller components. We covered:

  • The independence of each team to select and upgrade the stack without the need to coordinate with others.
  • Custom elements play a key role in facilitating this, as they help in masking implementation details by offering a neutral interface to different teams.
  • Code isolation that ensures teams do not have to share runtime even if they’re working on the same framework. The focus is on building an independent application in a self-contained manner, without worrying about global variables.
  • Use of Team Prefixes where code isolation is not possible. This helps clarify ownership and avoid clashes. The cross-team custom API needed for communication should be kept as simple as possible.
  • There is a need for applying  chaos engineering principles in practice or building a resilient design through progressive enhancement and universal rendering to improve perceived performance.

In this article, we dive deeper into what you need in order to incorporate this technique into your  software development environment. We also describe in detail some of the most prominent Micro Frontend frameworks you can work with.

#architecture #microservices

Micro Frontend Deep Dive - Top 10 Frameworks To Know About
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