Hello everyone ! I hope you are doing well in this pandemic of COVID-19. In the previous blogs, we saw how we can extract the data from Jmeter using post-processor- JSON Extractor. Here in this blog, we will see other post-processors like Regular Expression. Many of us feel that creating regular expressions is difficult for non-technical people. So most of us avoid using regular expressions for extracting data. Now in this blog, we will learn how easily we can extract data using post-processor -Regular Expressions.

Now the first question in your mind will arise- What is Regular Expressions and then we will move how to extract data from Jmeter using Post Processor

**Regular Expression- **

It is an expression of pattern in the string used to search and manipulate text, based on patterns**.**

Here we extract the digit(1001) from this expression on the left side (Jill rollnumber is 1001).

So in Jmeter when we need to extract any data from any response. We can extract that particular data and pass the same in another chaining request. I hope you will get to know about regular expressions from this example. For more, you can check on this link.

How to Create Regular Expression to extract Data-

Here our motive is not to learn the regular expression. We will see how we can use this regular expression for extracting data. So for ease, I‘ll suggest using the tool Regex to write the regular expression. In this, you can validate your regular expression and get some cheat hints to create regular expressions.

Here you can add your response or string from which you want to extract the data-

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Jmeter-Extract data using Post Processor Part- II
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