In this article you will come to know which is better, NumPy or SciPy?

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What is NumPy?

**NumPy **is an abbreviation to Numerical Python. NumPy is a low level library written in C and FORTRAN for high level mathematical functions. It provides a high-performance multidimensional array object, and tools for working with these arrays and overcomes the problem of running slower algorithms. Any algorithm can then be expressed as a function on arrays, allowing the algorithms to be run quickly.

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What is SciPy?

SciPy is an abbreviation to Scientific Python. SciPy is a library that uses NumPy for more mathematical functions. SciPy uses NumPy arrays as the basic data structure, and comes with modules for various commonly used tasks in scientific programming, including linear algebra, integration (calculus), ordinary differential equation solving, and signal processing.

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