While upgrading the new screeenly.com to Laravel 8, I hit a bit of a wall. At first, it wasn’t clear to me how I can get my previous setup of database factories to work with the new and improved Factory Classes.

See, in screeenly I’m using laravel/cashier-paddle. Cashier comes with 3 models: Customer, Subscription and Receipt. In my Laravel 7 testsuite, I’ve created factories for all of them with different states. subscribed, onTrial, trialExpired.

To make writing test easier, I’ve put those states on the User Factory. Here’s how the code look liked for the subscribed state.

$factory->afterCreating(User::class, function ($user, $faker) {

$factory->afterCreatingState(User::class, 'subscribed', function ($user) {
    $customer = $user->customer()->update([
        'trial_ends_at' => null,

        'billable_id' => $user->id,
        'paddle_plan' => app(TestPlan::class)->paddleId()

        'billable_id' => $user->id,

#databases #laravel

Nested States in Laravel 8 Database Factories
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