A simple to do list created using ReactJS


a simple to do list created using ReactJS, React Native, NodeJS and MongoDB, a project designed to learn more about these technologies working together. In this simple project there was no need to use Node or MongoDB, only the cache memory of devices with localstorage on the web and asyncstorage on mobile could be used, however I used it only for the sake of learning.


This project was developed with the following technologies:


screenshot1 screenshot2


Running the application


  • You must have Node.js installed on your computer
  • Also, you need to have a package manager be it NPM or Yarn.


 $ cd server
 ###### Instalando as dependências do projeto.
 $ yarn ## ou npm install
 ###### Inicie a API
 $ yarn start ## ou npm start
Web application
 $ cd web
 ###### Instalando as dependências do projeto.
 $ yarn ## ou npm install
 ###### Inicie a aplicação web
 $ yarn start ## ou npm start
Mobile application
 $ cd mobile
 ###### Instalando as dependências do projeto.
 $ yarn ## ou npm install
 ###### Inicie a aplicação web
 $ yarn start ## ou npm start

 O Expo será aberto, basta digitalizar o qrcode no terminal ou na página que será aberta.
 Você pode installar o aplicativo Expo para testar no celular

Download Details:

Author: NicolasMorenoAlves

Source Code: https://github.com/NicolasMorenoAlves/To-do-list

#reactjs #react #javascript

A simple to do list created using ReactJS
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