Your 404 page should show off your creativity and personality – and help users. Here are 37 awesome examples of 404 pages to inspire you.

An epic 404 page likely isn’t going to win your business any awards. I get it.

But it shows that you care about your customers.

A great 404 page can be a smart way to show off your brand’s personality.

But is it worth it to invest in a fancy 404 page?

It can be.

Because when users land on your 404 page, they aren’t finding what they needed.

Using links, smart graphics, and witty copy can make them forget that you (maybe) messed up and get them back on track.

In light of the importance of 404 pages, what follows is a list of 37 of the best examples of 404 pages that you can find online.

Before diving into the examples, let’s take a moment to review the basics of a 404 page.

What Is a 404 Page?

A 404 page is a landing page that tells your site viewers the requested page is unavailable or, in some cases, doesn’t exist.

A 404 error tells users the page cannot be accessed – and it can be a major problem.



When users can’t access a page, they can’t find the information they need.

It also tells Google that your site offers a poor customer experience, which can result in less traffic and lower rankings.

Ideally, site visitors would never land on a 404 page, but the reality is that they do happen from time to time – even from well-maintained sites.

Why Might a Visitor Land on a 404 Page?

Why might a user get a 404 error?

There are several reasons, which include:

  • The server is down.
  • The page moved and wasn’t redirected.
  • The page never existed.
  • The user typed the URL in wrong.
  • The URL is broken.

Basically, if a user tries to visit a page that cannot be found, they’ll be sent to your 404 page.

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The Best 404 Pages: 37 Examples You Need to See
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