Hello guys, If you want to become a Microsoft Azure certified Solution architect and wondering how to prepare for this prestigious exam then you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared a few tips, courses, and practice tests to pass the AZ 104AZ-900, or Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam and today, I’ll talk about AZ-303 or Azure Solution Architect certification exam.

Based on the new Azure role-based certification path, the Microsoft AZ-303 exam is the main step towards becoming a Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect.

This exam requires experienced candidates with skills in roles including Azure developmentAzure administration, and DevOps. In addition, they must have expert-level skills in at least one of these areas.

However, observing these requirements, some of you may think that it would be completely impossible to pass the Microsoft AZ-303 Architect Technologies exam without years of prepration.

This is not true. If you have previous experience in the areas discussed above, you can effortlessly pass the exam with the right strategies and reliable study materials from the AZ-303 Architect Technologies exam.

How to Crack Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect (AZ-303/304) Exam

In the past, I have shared some online courses and practice tests to crack the Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect exam, and today, I will provide you a complete guide on how to prepare and pass this prestigious exam.e

Here, my intention is to provide you with this exam with the AZ-303 exam preparation strategies and appropriate study materials.

1. Basic Prerequisites of AZ-303 Exam

The eligibility criteria for the AZ-303 exam are so clear that it is easy for people to understand simply by reading the exam instructions.

If you want to take this exam, you need to have the skills of an Azure Solution Architect who can advise interested parties and transform business requirements into scalable, reliable, and secure solutions.

Applicants for this exam must have advanced experience and skills in identity, visualization, networking, business continuity, budget, data management, governance, and disaster recovery.

As I have already discussed, he/she must have advanced knowledge in Azure development, Azure administration, and DevOps and requires expert-level skills in at least one of these areas. So before you start preparing for the AZ-303 exam, make sure you meet the above criteria in each case.

2. All information on AZ-303 Exam

Azure Exam AZ-303 is part of the Microsoft certification in Azure Solutions Expert. In this exam, you can expect 40 to 60 questions. This exam will have different types of question formats.

The types of questions that can be asked in this exam include the active screen, the review screen, the best answer, the brand review, the build list, the short answer, the case studies, the options for the repeated answer, drag and drop, multiple choices and active area.

There are no downsides to incorrect answers. You simply don’t get some or all of the possible points for a question if you give the wrong answer. A review of the answers is also planned before leaving the exam room.

3. Exam Fee

If you live in the United States, it will cost you $ 165 to take this exam. However, this price may vary based on location and many other factors. You may be eligible for a discount if you are a Microsoft Certified Trainer, a member of the Microsoft Partner Network Program, or a member of the Microsoft Imagine Academy Program. In addition, students can benefit from this type of fee reduction if they can present their valid lessons.

4. Score

You will get the exam results that show the passing/failing status a few minutes after finishing the exam. However, getting a complete dashboard may take a few days.

This printed scorecard contains various elements such as the state of passing/failing, the overall exam score, the performance in the key areas of competencies, and the ways to interpret the results.

A score of 700 is required to pass the exam. Any score greater than or equal to 700 will be marked as “approved”; otherwise “failed”.

5. Retake Policy of Exam

If a candidate fails the exam for the first time, he must wait at least 24 hours to repeat the exam. If this happens a second time, the candidate must wait at least 14 days to repeat the exam.

Therefore, a maximum of 5 attempts is allowed for an exam in one year. If a candidate has passed an exam, he cannot resume it under normal conditions.

6. Cancellation Policy of Exam

There are no additional costs if you cancel or reschedule the exam at least 6 days before the appointment. If cancellation/postponement is made within 5 working days, minimum rates will be applied.

If you have not been able to take the exam or if you have not canceled/rescheduled the exam at least 24 hours before the appointment, you will lose all the exam fees that were spent when registering for the AZ exam 300.

7. Awareness of AZ-303 Exam Objectives

There are a total of 5 objectives or topics you should know before starting preparation for the AZ-303 exam. These objectives are designed to effectively analyze a candidate’s skills and experience required for the exam.

  • Implement and monitor an Azure infrastructure (50–55%)
  • Implement management and security solutions (25–30%)
  • Implement solutions for apps (10–15%)
  • Implement and manage data platforms (10–15%)

Best Preparation Material For Your AZ-303 Exam

Having the right preparation material can increase the chances of success. So we’ve put together the best resources here to help you prepare for and pass the AZ-303 exam. Let’s go on to find the best AZ-303 exam preparation material.

1. Learning Portal of Microsoft for AZ-303 Exam

This portal is the perfect starting point for the Microsoft AZ-303 Architect Technologies exam preparation trip. While preparing for the AZ-303 exam, you may need to visit this portal multiple times as it contains most of the AZ-303 Architect Technologies exam study materials needed to take the exam.

Here you will find basic exam requirements, links to schedule the exam, skills discussed on the exam, study groups that discuss users’ concerns about the exam, policies, and updates in relation to the exam, links to many other preparation options.

Since exam registration links are only accessible from this page, you cannot even think of skipping this page at any stage of preparation for the AZ-303 exam.

In addition to the facts described above, this portal can be considered the most reliable preparation guide for the Microsoft AZ-303 exam, as all the latest updates on exam dates, price changes, etc. will appear first on this portal.

Therefore, be sure to confirm the information on this portal whenever you learn that there is a change in the modules, prices, or exam schedule for this exam.

2. Get Instructor-led Training or Online courses

If you need instructor-led training to prepare for the Microsoft AZ-303 Architect Technologies exam, you can get it from the Microsoft Learning Portal for AZ-303.

Total training options are divided into 6 modules to facilitate preparation for the AZ-303 exam. The availability of this training can change from country to country.

So when you need instructor training for one of these 6 courses, find a Microsoft Learning partner in your area. If you cannot afford instructor-led training then online courses are great options as they are affordable and you can learn from anywhere.

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How to Prepare for Azure Technologies Architect Certification (AZ-303/304) Exam
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