As a DevOps engineer at, I am working on the migration of the CaaS (Cloudify as a Service) solution to Kubernetes (EKS), previously it was running directly on AWS’s EC2 instances and my main goal was to migrate it to Kubernetes, which includes:

  • Helm Chart creation for Cloudify as a Service solution.
  • Creation of Kubernetes (EKS) cluster with all needed components like Ingress Nginx, Cert Manager for certificate issuing from Let’s encrypt and generating of self-signed certificates, securing the EKS cluster using the Network Policies, cluster monitoring with Prometheus/Grafana and ELK stack, and a lot of different other components.
  • Deployment of CaaS environment to EKS cluster for each customer on demand, which is triggered when a customer fills the minimalistic registration form and managed by Cloudify Manager.

The main purpose of this post is to share my knowledge related to Calico CNI installation to the already existing EKS cluster and the creation of Network Policies to secure the cluster.

#kubernetes #calico #network-policies #cloudify #k8s

Network policy and Calico CNI to Secure a Kubernetes cluster
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