With the advent of cloud automation technology, infrastructure as code (IaC) obtains the ability to turn complex systems and environments into a few lines of code.

With the advent of cloud automation technology, infrastructure as code (IaC) obtains the ability to turn complex systems and environments into a few lines of code that can be deployed even at the click of a button. This new IT infrastructure also automated dev/test pipelines, which provide a rapid feedback loop for developers and rapid deployment of new features for end-users.

The above facts indicate the core best practices of DevOps — like virtualized tests, version control, and continuous monitoring — come to the underlying code, which governs the formation and administration of your business infrastructure. In another way, you can also say infrastructure will be considered the same way that any other code would be.

As the name suggests, Infrastructure as Code is a type of IT infrastructure provisioning process for the business applications, provided required agility for the workflow. This is the concept of managing your operations environment in the same way organizations build applications or other code for general release. IaC has made the entire process faster and reliable by using the same rules and structures that govern code development, rather than making configuration changes manually or using one-off scripts to adjust infrastructure — particularly when new server instances spun up.

Director of evangelism at StackEngine says the thought of IaC is beyond any other single thing that has enabled the cloud revolution, because a single ops person can start 100 machines at the press of a button, and they can also be configured properly. Infrastructure as Code has also leveraged the cloud paradigm and disposability of cloud machines.

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Anticipating Your Business Problem With Infrastructure as Code in DevOps
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