Maps in JavaScript are more performant, easier to use, and better equipped than JavaScript objects.

How many times have you seen or written code that looks like this.

const CURRENCY_MAP = {
  'United States': 'USD',
  'India': 'Rupee' 

const currency = CURRENCY_MAP['India']


const CURRENCIES = [
  { name: 'USD', country: 'United States' },
  { name: 'Rupee', country: 'India' }

const currency = CURRENCIES.find(c => === 'India').name

There is nothing inherently wrong with this code, but when it comes to creating maps between two different values, objects and arrays are generally not the best option. This is where JavaScript Maps come in.

Differences Between Objects And Maps

A Map in JavaScript is a class that allows you to store a value at a specific key, just like objects, but there are a few major differences that make Maps excel when being used as a map or dictionary.

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