Top eCommerce Platforms for SMB Owners

eCommerce has become one of the essential requirements for modern-day business infrastructures. With the shopping trends and consumer preference changing drastically due to the evolution of technology, it has become important to step up their business plans to keep up with the changing trends for businesses to scale up! And one of the best ways to do that is to take your store online.

Since most of the consumers prefer to buy products online, taking chances with custom eCommerce website development is a must for every merchant. Although it might look like a complicated process at first, setting up an online store for your business is a must and is completely worth the sweat. Because it not only makes it more accessible to your consumers, it also opens up whole new ways of marketing your services to the target audience. However, to make your online store set up a successful venture for your business, proper choice of eCommerce platform that can easily cater to your business requirement is very important.

Things to consider before choosing an eCommerce Platform

Before a merchant chooses an eCommerce Platform to build their online store there are a number of factors one must consider to make the right choice. As with a wrong choice, a merchant might end up investing more then they require and might not reap their desired results. Below is a list of those factors that can aid you in making the right choice regarding the eCommerce platform

Budget: Budget is the first and foremost thing to consider when you are planning to set up an online store. As different eCommerce platforms come with various customization and pricing schemes, deciding a budget for that can help you in making the right choice.

Flexibility: Flexibility is yet another factor. Every business is unique in its own way, so understanding if a platform lets you access the features you need to make your business a success is a must. Also with businesses with unique needs, choosing a platform that allows you to add custom code is always a better choice

Expertise: your technical expertise is yet another thing that you must consider for making your store’s management easier. Because there’s a range of platform out there that facilitates laymen, whereas there are some made to facilitate largescale businesses with certain expertise over eCommerce technology.

Best eCommerce platforms for SMBs

Since there are a plethora of eCommerce platforms out there SMB owners can easily get confused while choosing the right one to set up their online stores. To clear up the fog around eCommerce platform below is a list of best eCommerce platform for SMBs:

WooCommerce: WooCommerce is basically an eCommerce plugin created by WordPress to support merchants in taking their store online. It is a perfect choice for those looking for ways to set up an online store without much expenditure and technical hassles.

Shopify: If you are a DIY person, then setting up your Shopify store would be a no brainer for you. Because its backend is very user friendly and it allows customization as well. So for SMBs who would prefer easier store management, it is the perfect choice to opt for.

Big Commerce: If your team is a techie at heart, then Big Commerce would be a perfect choice. As it has numerous technical aspects in its backend and also provides the scope of Custom eCommerce development.


Taking your business online is an important decision that can revolutionize the way you sell your products and services. However to do that making the right choice is a must. So, take a look at the above-mentioned platforms and analyze your requirements and make the right choice to open up the gateways for your profits.

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Top eCommerce Platforms for SMB Owners
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