It all started with a question. “Wouldn’t it be great if Raygun could do this? It would change the way software teams monitor their apps!”

So, an internal project we code named Proton began.

Since then, we’ve been hard at work, and now it’s almost here. We’re launching something soon that will send your application monitoring into a whole new dimension.

Think more visibilityeven more actionable insights, and faster diagnosis; all with Raygun’s signature lightweight and easy-to-use platform.

But why?

Raygun was born out of our own frustrations as developers working in a large IT company, where one of the hardest problems was there was nothing in place to understand the health of our software, or make sure users have good software experiences every time.

Raygun has always resonated with the people that care about the quality of their work. We wanted to help the engineers that would manually hook up the global exception handler and email themselves a stack trace when something went wrong and provide them with a better solution.

Fast-forward to a few years later, and we help tens of thousands of developers in teams like Nordstrom, Coca-Cola, and Microsoft Azure to do just that with software intelligence.

#big data

Something big is coming soon from Raygun
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