A powerful lavalink client built on the Deno Runtime

A powerful lavalink client built on the Deno Runtime

Discord ServerGithub

  • Flexible: Lavadeno is not restricted to a specific discord library. Meaning you only need a connection to the discord gateway for it to work.
  • Easy-to-Use: Lavadeno has a neat and user-friendly promise-based api.
  • Lightweight: Designed to be small and performant, it’s a great choice for any sized project.


import { Manager } from "https://deno.land/x/lavadeno/mod.ts";

const nodes = [
    id: "main",
    host: "localhost",
    port: 2333,
    password: "youshallnotpass"

const manager = new Manager(nodes, {
  send(id, payload) {

Download Details:

Author: Lavaclient

Source Code: https://github.com/Lavaclient/lavadeno

#deno #node #javascript #nodejs

A powerful lavalink client built on the Deno Runtime
3.35 GEEK