Multicloud is the new reality for many organizations, whether chosen as a strategy or forced on them through another means — like customer preference, mergers and acquisitions, or government regulations. Forward-looking organizations have accepted that this reality will happen — or has already happened — to their organization. They’re making plans to intelligently manage multiple clouds and proactively put measures in place to ensure continued compliance.

Some of the risks they need to manage are technical. Differences in authentication, for example, and authorization solutions; or how network routing and security are configured. Other risks are on the people side of the organization. A common risk, caused by excessive processes and procedures, can lead to fast-moving parts of the organization going a little rogue and becoming an IT headache.

Automation Is the New Baseline

It is nearly impossible for one organization to acquire all the skills it needs to learn the intricacies of how to do everything on every cloud. Huge amounts of ramp-up time and budget are required to find the necessary expertise. Automation is the cornerstone to supporting multiple clouds.

Starting with a multicloud friendly automation product will save an immeasurable amount of time. Particularly if it is one that can run the same deployments and same compliance checks on every cloud in the mix. Since automation is repeatable, there is less time cross-training new team members — whether it is a role as a security admin, or a DevOps engineer. AnsiblePuppet, and Terraform are leading multicloud automation frameworks.

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Intelligently Managing Risk: Multicloud Infrastructure Security
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