Hope this video will be interested in Web Map or GIS application’s Front-End/GUI/UI development with JaveScript based framework as like Node.js,Angular,JavaScript & TypeScript, OpenLayers javasrcipt web map APIs and Geoserver to be helpful for those who are interested in.

Technology & Tools used:

  1. Node.js, Angular and JavaScript, TypeScript, OpenLayers javasrcipt web map APIs and GeoServer
  2. Angular Component Libraries(Prime NG,NGX Bootstrap,NG Bootstrap,NG2 Charts and so on)
  3. OpenStreet map, GeoServer, OpenLayers and other JavaScript libraries
  4. PostgreSQL with PostGIS database (back-end server)
  5. Java, Spring Data JPA, REST APIs & Microservices
  6. Proxy Configuring Setup and Microservices /APIs Rewrite the URL path
  7. tar based packaging(geospatial-
  8. Docker Image and Docker Container
  9. Functional or Web GUI/UI testing (Selenium)

GitHub Source Code:

#node.js #angular #javascript #typescript

Node.js | Angular | JavaScript | TypeScript | OpenLayers
2.40 GEEK