Promises made dealing with asynchronous code easier. ES8 introduced one feature that makes this even easier. This feature is async/await. This tutorial will help you learn about what async/await is and how it works. You will also learn how to use async/await to write asynchronous JavaScript.

Synchronous vs asynchronous code

JavaScript is a synchronous single-threaded programming language. What this means that it can perform only one operation at the time. When one operation is executed other operations are blocked and have to wait. They can be executed only when the currently executed operation is finished. This is also called blocking.

Now, what if code is asynchronous? It works in the opposite way. When asynchronous code is executed it doesn’t block other code. Other code can still be executed while the asynchronous operation is being executed. That asynchronous code is basically running in the background making space for other operations to take place.

You may not need to execute asynchronous operation all the time. However, there are situations when performing some operations asynchronously will be better, maybe even necessary. One example is fetching data from server. This may sound like something that is easy to do. Well, there is at least one problem.

When you fetch data from a server you never really know how fast you get them. Let’s say you fetch these data in synchronous way. This means that you are blocking the main thread. When this happens other operations has to wait until the fetching is done and the main thread is available to use.

This will not happen if you fetch these data in asynchronous way. If the response from server is not immediate it doesn’t block the main thread. In this case, your data fetching is moved to the siding until it is finished, metaphorically speaking. Any other code that needs to be executed can be executed right away.

It is only when that data fetching is complete, either with success or failure, when that operation moves to the main thread again. This doesn’t mean you should re-write all your synchronous code to asynchronous. All it means is that there are some situations when asynchronous code can be quite useful.

Async/await are one way to make writing and working with asynchronous code. Let’s take a look how it works and how you can use it.

Async functions

There are two fundamental building blocks of async/await. The first are async functions. Let’s take a look at how can you create a new async function.

The async keyword

The most important part of an async function is async keyword. This will tell JavaScript that you are want to declare an async function instead of regular. It is also this async keyword what will allow you to use await keyword inside that async function. Otherwise, JavaScript will throw SyntaxError. More about this later.

When you want to create an async you put the async keyword before the function keyword and its name, async function myAsyncFunc() {}. This is function declaration. In case of function expression the async keyword goes between the equal sign and function keyword, const myAsyncFunc = async function() {}. This is all you need to create an async function.

// Create async function with function declaration
async function myAsyncFunc() {
  // some code

// Create async function with function expression
const myAsyncFunc = async function() {
  // some code

// Create async function with arrow function
const myAsyncFunc = async () => {
  // some code

Returning a value from async function

Creating async functions is very similar creating a regular [functions]. One difference is the async keyword. Another, and more important, is that async functions always return a promise. This doesn’t mean that you should not use return statement inside async functions. You still can.

When you use return statement to return a value from an async function that function will still return resolved promise. The value of this promise will be the value you returned. You can also return resolved promise directly. To do this you can use Promise object and resolve() method, the value being passed as a parameter to resolve().

This also means one thing. If a function returns a promise you have to handle that returned promise in the right way. This means using then() method to get and process the returned value from that promise. Since you are working with promise you can also use other handler functions, such as catch() and finally().

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How JavaScript Async/Await Works and How to Use It
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