If you have started dwelling into world of Machine learning , Linear regression is one of the most caught on algorithm and more often used to start any regression problem. The bigger picture here is are you using it without knowing how it actually works then this article is for you? My aim is to cover all aspect of theory in this article before we jump to build a Linear regression model on our own , it’s important to understand the working principle of it . Very often assumed to be the simplest model of machine learning but let see is it really?

What to seek in this Article:

  • What is Simple Linear regression? And terms you must know to understand Linear regression.
  • The mathematical implementation of algorithm behind LR and what does term cost function and Gradient Descent means.
  • Meanwhile we will see the way to optimize a line using Gradient descent approach?
  • And finally , Method to see when to stop the search for best fit line.

Before proceeding to the theory and some math’s equation, let me give a walk-through what we are trying to solve here and where it can be applied?


Linear Regression : Machine Learning Algorithm Detailed View
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