Many customers I speak to use Active Directory to manage centralized user authentication and authorization for a variety of applications and services. For these customers, Active Directory is a critical piece of their IT Jigsaws.

At AWS, we offer the AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory that provides our customers with a highly available and resilient Active Directory service that is built on actual Microsoft Active Directory. AWS manages the infrastructure required to run Active Directory and handles all of the patching and software updates needed. It’s fully managed, so for example, if a domain controller fails, our monitoring will automatically detect and replace that failed controller.

Manually connecting a machine to Active Directory is a thankless task; you have to connect to the computer, make a series of manual changes, and then perform a reboot. While none of this is particularly challenging, it does take time, and if you have several machines that you want to onboard, then this task quickly becomes a time sink.

Today the team is unveiling a new feature which will enable a Linux EC2 instance, as it is launched, to connect to AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory seamlessly. This complements the existing feature that allows Windows EC2 instances to seamlessly domain join as they are launched. This capability will enable customers to move faster and improves the experience for Administrators.

Now you can have both your Windows and Linux EC2 instances seamlessly connect to AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory. The directory can be in your own account or shared with you from another account, the only caveat being that both the instance and the directory must be in the same region.

To show you how the process works, let’s take an existing AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory and work through the steps required to have a Linux EC2 instance seamlessly join that directory.

Create and Store AD Credentials

To seamlessly join a Linux machine to my AWS Managed Active Directory Domain, I will need an account that has permissions to join instances into the domain. While members of the AWS Delegated Administrators have sufficient privileges to join machines to the domain, I have created a service account that has the minimum privileges required. Our documentation explains how you go about creating this sort of service account.

The seamless domain join feature needs to know the credentials of my active directory service account. To achieve this, I need to create a secret using AWS Secrets Manager with specifically named secret keys, which the seamless domain feature will use to join instances to the directory.

In the AWS Secrets Manager console I click on the Store a new secret button, on the next screen, when asked to Select a secret type, I choose the option named Other type of secrets. I can now add two secret key/values. The first is called awsSeamlessDomainUsername, and in the value textbox, I enter the username for my Active Directory service account. The Second key is called awsSeamlessDomainPassword, and here I enter the password for my service account.

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Seamlessly Join a Linux Instance to AWS Directory Service
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