Top 8 Flutter Forms Libraries | Flutter Development Libraries

Flutter Date Field

Contains DateField and DateFormField which allows the user to pick a DateTime from an input field!

"Flutter Date Field"

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Flutter Json To Form

Convert Json to Form for Flutter apps.A flutter plugin to use convert Json to Form

"Flutter Json To Form"

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Dropdown Formfield

A Flutter package that provides a dropdown form field using a dropdown button inside a form field.

"Flutter Dropdown Formfield"


  • Can be used as regular form field.
  • Simple to implement.
  • Simple and intuitive to use in the app.
  • Provides validation of data.
  • Provides requirement of the field.
  • Follows the app theme and colors.

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Flutter Form Bloc

🔥 Dart and Flutter Package 🔥 Easy Form State Management using BLoC pattern 🔥 Wizard/stepper forms, asynchronous validation, dynamic and conditional fields, submission progress, serialization and more! 🔥

  • Synchronous Field Validation
  • Asynchronous Field Validation
  • Easy Loading and Initializing
  • Wizard / Stepper Forms
  • Submission Progress
  • Success / Failure Response
  • Serializable Form
  • Submission Errors to Fields
  • Dynamic Fields
  • Conditional Fields
  • List Fields
  • Group Fields
  • CRUD Support
  • Beautiful Built-In Widgets

"Flutter Form Bloc"

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Flutter Formini

Working with forms shouldn’t be so hard in Flutter.

Please note that the schemani/formini packages are under development. There are still some issues to resolve before this has any help for real use cases. #roadmap

"Flutter Formini"

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Flutter Dynamic Forms

A collection of flutter and dart libraries allowing you to dynamically define your complex forms outside the app and consume it at runtime.

"Flutter Dynamic Forms"

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Flutter Money text field form

MoneyTextFormField is one of the flutter widget packages that can be used to input values in the form of currencies, by displaying the output format in realtime.

This widget uses the FlutterMoneyFormatter package as a basic engine that has a very powerful ability to format currencies.

"Flutter Money text field form"

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Flutter Card Settings

A flutter package for building settings forms. This includes a library of pre-built form field widgets. It supports both Material and Cupertino style.

"Flutter Card Settings"

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Top 8 Flutter Forms Libraries | Flutter Development Libraries
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