This Bootcamp Primer will provide you with the basics of web development and prepare you to begin any coding bootcamp. Practice learning code with 63 interactive lessons spanning over 4.5 hours. Solve 17 assignments to ensure that the knowledge sticks with you. Lessons include an introduction to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the DOM, as well as other introductory topics like setting up your computer for web dev, using Visual Studio Code, how to debug your code and using the Chrome Developer Tools.

⚡ Contents ⚡
00:00:00 - Welcome!
00:04:33 - V School Learning Philosophy
00:11:34 - How to Use Scrimba
00:15:25 - External Link - Computer Setup
00:20:38 - External Link - Using VS Code
00:27:25 - Preview: the V School Pre-course Project
00:29:03 - Introduction to HTML
00:34:56 - HTML Elements
00:43:34 - HTML Attributes
00:48:35 - Assignment - Silly CIA part 1
00:50:24 - HTML5 Semantic Tags
00:53:37 - CSS Intro (inline-style)
00:56:00 - CSS Selectors
01:06:38 - Assignment - Silly CIA part 2
01:07:14 - Assignment - CSS Wars: The Selector Awakens
01:07:38 - CSS Colors and Fonts
01:13:28 - CSS Display Property
01:16:02 - Sign up for our Email List
01:16:29 - Assignment - Newsies
01:17:03 - CSS Box Model
01:20:41 - Assignment - Color Grid From Scratch
01:21:09 - CSS Layout and Positioning
01:28:14 - Assignment - CSS Flags
01:28:50 - Assignment - Design a Blog
01:29:25 - External Link - Debugging Intro
01:32:17 - External Link - Chrome Dev Tools
01:40:19 - External Link - Using Google
01:45:23 - Javascript Data Types
01:57:43 - Assignment - Grocery Store JS
01:58:02 - Javascript Arrays
02:05:05 - Javascript Conditionals
02:25:28 - Assignment - If Statement Olympics
02:25:53 - Javascript Loops
02:44:15 - Assignment - Even/Odd Looping
02:44:38 - Assignment - Loops And Arrays Practice
02:45:04 - Javascript Functions part 1
02:50:33 - Javascript Functions part 2
02:57:28 - Assignment - Functions Exercise
02:57:46 - Javascript Objects Part 1
03:05:33 - Javascript Objects Part 2
03:13:55 - Assignment - Social JS
03:14:20 - Assignment - Loop Olympics
03:14:52 - Javascript Conventions
03:23:48 - Assignment - Daily Planet Editor
03:24:27 - Introduction to the DOM
03:28:05 - What is the DOM?
03:31:53 - Assignment - log document to the console
03:33:32- Selecting Elements - getElementById
03:39:05 - Assignment - getElementById
03:40:26 - Selecting Multiple Elements
03:46:18 - querySelector and querySelectorAll
03:54:34 - Modifying an element’s text
04:02:02 - Modifying Styles
04:09:28 - Modifying Styles - className and classList
04:16:37 - Modifying elements - value
04:20:06 - Creating elements in JS
04:26:03 - Creating elements in JS - innerHTML
04:32:18 - Creating elements in JS - for loops + createElement
04:38:10 - Event Listeners
04:48:21 - Self study - get the value from an input element
04:49:11 - DJ JS - Event listener practice
04:49:34 - Pre-course Project
04:52:22 - Congrats!

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