Common Interview Questions In data science.✔️

1. What is ‘Data Science’?

Data science is a form of methodology that is used to extract and organize various data and information out of huge data sources (both structured and unstructured). The way that this form of science works is that it uses various algorithms and applied mathematics to extract useful knowledge and information and arrange it in a way that would make sense and grant some sort of usage.

2. Big Data Vs. Data Science

Surely one of the more tricky data science interview questions, a lot of people fail to express a clear difference. This is mostly because of a lack of information surrounding the topic. However, the answer itself is actually very simple - since the term ‘big data’ implies huge volumes of data and information, it needs a specific method to be analyzed. So, big data is the thing that data science analyzes

3. What’s the difference between a ‘data scientist’ and a ‘data analyst’?

Even though this is also one of the basic data science interview questions, the terms still often tend to get mixed up. Data scientists mine, process, and analyze data. They are concerned with providing predictions for businesses on what problems they might come across. Data analysts solve the unavoided business problems instead of predicting them beforehand. They identify issues, perform analysis of statistical information, and document everything.

4. The Core Features of

Big Data
Now that we’ve covered the definitions, we can move to the specific data science interview questions. Keep in mind, though, that you are bound to receive data scientist, analyst, and big data interview questions. The reason why is because all of these subcategories are intertwined with each other.
There are five categories that represent big data, and they’re called the “5 Vs”:

  1. Value
  2. Variety
  3. Velocity
  4. Veracity
  5. Volume

5. What’s A/B Testing?

While A/B testing can be applied in various different niches, it is also one of the more prominent data science interview questions. So what is it? A/B testing is a form of test conducted to find out which version of the same thing is more worth using to achieve the desired result. Say, for example, that you want to sell apples. You’re not sure what type of apples - red or green ones - your customers will prefer. So you try both - first you try to sell the red apples, then the green ones. After you’re done, you simply calculate which were the more profitable ones and that’s it - that’s A/B testing!

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