8 Best Web Design Books for Beginners to Advanced Designers

Kickstart your web design journey with these 8 top-rated books for beginners to advanced designers. Learn the fundamentals of web design, master the latest trends and techniques, and build stunning websites with confidence.

Whether you're a beginner just getting started with web design or an experienced designer looking to master the latest trends and techniques, this list of 8 books has you covered. These books cover everything from the basics of HTML and CSS to advanced topics like user experience design and accessibility.

  1. CSS in Depth – 1st Edition

CSS in Depth, One of The Best Books on Web Design

Author: Keith J. Grant
Rating: 4.8/5 (Goodreads)

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If you want to become a professional CSS developer, this book is where you should start. It’s filled with concise and practical information on the ins and outs of CSS development.

You’ll learn to use CSS to create layouts and animations, work with media queries and responsive design, style forms and tables, build tooltips and popovers, target specific browsers, and use preprocessors like Sass.

You’ll also find plenty of examples that illustrate how each technique works in practice.

2. Learning PHP, MySQL & Javascript; with jQuery, CSS & HTML5

One of the Best Web Design Books by Robin Nixon

Author: Robin Nixon
Rating: 4.7/5 (Goodreads)

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This book is a comprehensive guide for web designers. It covers everything from HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to PHP, MySQL, and WordPress. The book also includes many practical examples to help you start designing websites.

This book is one of the most popular resources for web designers who want to learn more about using Bootstrap 4 with HTML5 and CSS3. It covers everything from basic concepts to advanced topics like responsive design, frontend frameworks, email templates, and more.

It is written by two experienced authors who have been working in the field for over 20 years. They first wrote the book in 2008, which has been updated regularly.

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3. Laws of UX: Using Psychology to Design Better Products and Services

Laws of UX - Web Design Book

Author: Jon Yablonski
Rating: 4.6/5 (Goodreads)

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The Laws of UX is a great book for anyone who wants to learn more about UX design. It covers all the basics, like user research and prototyping, but also goes into more advanced topics like user psychology and how it applies to design.

This book is written in a conversational tone, which makes it easy to read. You’ll find yourself wanting to read more and more as you go along. If you’re just getting started in UX, this is a great book to introduce you to the topic!

4. Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Web Graphics

Learning Web Design by Jennifer Niederst

Author: Jeniffer Robins
Rating: 4.6/5 (Goodreads)

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We highly recommend this book if you’re interested in learning web design. Jeniffer Robins is an experienced web designer who has written several books on the subject.

This book is aimed at beginners, but it also includes more advanced topics, such as jQuery.

It covers all of the basics of HTML5 and CSS3 and then moves on to more advanced topics such as responsive design and using Javascript.

If you also want to learn Javascript, you can’t miss our list of The Best Javascript Books.

It also uses a hands-on approach, which means you’ll be able to practice what you’ve learned immediately after reading about it. There are also plenty of screenshots and illustrations throughout the book to help explain things further.

5. Web Design Playground: HTML & CSS The Interactive Way

HTML + CSS The Interative Way Web Design Book

Author: Paul McFedries
Rating: 4.6/5 (Goodreads)

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If you’re a beginner, then this book is for you. Web Design Playground: HTML & CSS The Interactive Way is the ultimate guide to HTML and CSS, designed to help you learn the basics and beyond.

This book allows you to learn at your own pace, with interactive exercises that make reading fun!

It will help you create your own web pages using HTML and CSS with interactive examples that cover everything from basic tags to advanced features.

It also includes chapters on HTML elements, CSS selectors, and properties, adding interactivity with JavaScript, and has quizzes at the end of each chapter to test your knowledge.

6. HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

HTML & CSS Design and Build Websites

Author: Jon Duckett
Rating: 4.6/5 (Goodreads)

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This book was written by Jon Duckett, a professional web developer, and designer, for web designers who want to learn HTML and CSS.

It covers the basics of HTML5 and CSS3 in detail and also explains how you can use these languages to build your own website from scratch.

There are also chapters on responsive design, a new way of designing websites that adapts to different devices like mobile phones and tablets. This book provides a great introduction to these topics for beginners.

7. Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability

Don’t Make Me Think, from Steve Rug

Author: Steve Krug
Rating: 4.6/5 (Goodreads)

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“Don’t Make Me Think” is a must-read for anyone who designs and builds websites. The author, Steve Krug, presents a simple concept that many overlook: if your website or web application is hard to use, it will drive users away.

Krug outlines ten basic guidelines for designing websites that users can easily navigate and understand. He also provides examples from actual sites that do things right and wrong.

The book is easy to read and understand, even for those who don’t have much experience with web design.

8. The Principles of Beautiful Web Design

Jason Beaird, James George, and Alex Walker Web Design Book

Author: Jason Beaird, Alex Walker, and James George
Rating: 4.4/5 (Goodreads)

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This book is not a collection of design trends and tricks. Instead, it’s a guide to creating beautiful websites that work. The authors explain the principles behind good design and how to apply them when building sites.

If you’re an experienced designer, this book will help you improve your work by teaching you how to create better interfaces and effectively use color and typography.

The Principles of Beautiful Web Design will help you avoid common mistakes and build more effective websites if you’re just starting as a web designer. It is one of the best books on web design.


Rather than rehashing a bunch of old information or covering contemporary trends, this blog has recommended the books that have been most helpful to web design experts over the years. Whether you’re an aspiring designer who dreams of working in a creative environment or an established professional, these books are valuable tools for improving your work.

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8 Best Web Design Books for Beginners to Advanced Designers
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