HashiCorp Terraform Associate Certification Course - Pass the Exam!

Learn how to pass the HashiCorp Terraform Associate Certification with this free 12-hour course.

Prepare for the HashiCorp Terraform Associate Certification and pass! The Terraform Associate certification is for Cloud Engineers specializing in operations, IT, or development who know the basic concepts and skills associated with open source HashiCorp Terraform.

What is the HashiCorp Terraform Associate?

HashiCorp is a company specializing in open-source tools for multi-cloud workloads. HashiCorp's most popular tool is Terraform, which allows DevOps Engineers to write code to provision infrastructure for multiple Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), for example AWS, Azure, and GCP.


The HashiCorp Terraform Associate is a certification that proves an engineer has a practical understanding of the Terraform tool as well as the SaaS offering known as Terraform Cloud.

For those seeking a career as a DevOps Engineer, the Terraform Associate is essential since Terraform has become the industry standard for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and frequently appears as an expected skill in DevOps Job postings.

The Terraform Associate is not a difficult exam but strongly relies on practical knowledge of Terraform. That's why this study course is 12+ hours – we've added many follow alongs and common edge cases that you will only experience in practice.

Overview of the Terraform Associate

The Terraform Associate is composed of the following domains:

  1. Understand infrastructure as code (IaC) concepts
  2. Understand Terraform's purpose (vs other IaC)
  3. Understand Terraform basics
  4. Use the Terraform CLI (outside of core workflow)
  5. Interact with Terraform modules
  6. Navigate Terraform workflow
  7. Implement and maintain state
  8. Read, generate, and modify configuration
  9. Understand Terraform Cloud and Enterprise capabilities

While the Terraform certification has many more domains than other cloud certifications they are finite in the expected requirements of each domain, and nearly everything you see on in the exam-guide appears on the exam.

How do you get Certified?

HashiCorp uses PSI Online as its test center. You can take the exam in-person or online.

There are 57 multiple-choice and multiple-select and simple fill in the bank questions and you have to score 70% to pass

The Google Cloud Digital Leader is $70.50 USD.

Can I simply watch the videos and pass the exam?

Yes, HashiCorp Terraform Associate is easy enough to simply watch the videos and pass the exam.

However, since the exam is always based on the last three minor versions of Terraform, if you don't do the follow alongs on your machine you could be missing on new emerging Terraform edge cases.


Where is the free practice exam and cheatsheets for this course?

There is a free practice exam of 57 questions for this course and downloadable cheatsheets on ExamPro. No Credit Card required, No Trial Limit.

Get your Free Practice and Downloadable Cheatsheets: https://www.exampro.co/terraform 

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (00:17:01) IaC Concepts
⌨️ (00:37:32) HashiCorp
⌨️ (00:41:39) Terraform Basics
⌨️ (02:00:07) Terraform Provisioners
⌨️ (03:03:46) Terraform Providers
⌨️ (03:43:39) Terraform Language
⌨️ (03:48:27) Variables and Data
⌨️ (04:34:30) Resource Meta Arguments
⌨️ (05:15:07) Terraform Expressions
⌨️ (06:01:28) Terraform State
⌨️ (06:12:34) Init and Get
⌨️ (06:15:01) Fmt, Validate, Console
⌨️ (06:18:09) Plan and Apply
⌨️ (06:24:19) Infrastructure Drift
⌨️ (06:39:34) Terraform Troubleshooting
⌨️ (06:49:03) Terraform Modules
⌨️ (07:28:20) Team Workflows
⌨️ (08:05:31) Terraform Backends
⌨️ (09:41:14) Resources and Complex Types
⌨️ (09:52:02) Built-In Functions
⌨️ (10:22:22) Terraform Cloud
⌨️ (10:46:02) Terraform Enterprise
⌨️ (10:55:39) Workspaces
⌨️ (11:58:34) Packer and Terraform
⌨️ (12:25:56) Consul and Terraform
⌨️ (12:27:05) Vault and Terraform
⌨️ (12:59:58) Alantis, CDK for Terraform, GruntWork, Terragrunt, TerraTest
⌨️ (13:08:29) Booking Your Exam

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HashiCorp Terraform Associate Certification Course - Pass the Exam!
1.50 GEEK