The tech world is beneficial for all its miraculous possibilities and every program we construct and share it through the cloud. The tracking system is facing new challenges every day. Security inside the cloud is a joint liability. Auditors require evidence of their procedures, tracking, and knowledge about incidents.

The audit log is the report which records accessed information and resources like target URLs, source lists, tags, and user account details. Though your SaaS provider provides the software and creativity, the burden for applying regulations and methodologies lies with your client. Salesforce, for example, offers its clients safe security and authorization processes, whereas the user may retain login credentials securely.

Your SaaS provider will produce case logs to the database via an accounting system. You are thus in charge of accessing and interpreting the data. So how do you have critical audit data within your network, like who did it, and when? Reach the audit logs which are used in the SaaS application to verify and trace action.

There are a million explanations for why audit logs are picture-perfect! we expect all our SaaS applications to catch each event, each registration, each shift in setup, and each device activity. Trying to fix a missed message, monitoring an incorrect shift in code, or filtering down the issue of a customer, without strong reports, is even more complicated. Detailed, read-only, discoverable, filterable, easily accessible, and available through API are nice audit logs. Although there are potentially millions of explanations why an audit logs will help, let’s focus on three key cases:

1. Keep track of change

A marketing administrator requires monitoring of key updates in a client’s profile. For example, if you still need to save audit logs for a prolonged period to meet regulatory requisites, we suggest you set up an automated mechanism that will retrieve audit logs daily and store them inside your own databases. Audit logs are preserved for 30 days, but then removed automatically.

The audit trail, when logging into the SaaS application, offers information about who did what and when. Many of those cases are user authentication, user interface updates, or security configuration changes. Such audit data is critical for diagnosing possible or live security problems, and it’s also a great enforcement service.

While triggering the audit feature, and since then onwards, interface audit logs will be maintained. We can also need to stream the audit logs for SaaS enterprise customers through the network security application for sensitive devices, or SIEM to get a “simple pane of glass” view of all that is happening in the area.

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3 Reasons to Use Audit Logs for SaaS
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