Hello, one more beautiful day! In this article, we will continue to code Python with you. So what are we doing today? We will talk about one of my favorite topics, data analysis. You can get your data set from data sites such as Kaggle or UCI. In addition to these, I did research on Iris Flower Data Set and chose it for you.

The Iris flower dataset is a multivariate dataset presented by the British statistician and biologist Ronald Fisher in his 1936 article on the use of multiple measures in taxonomic problems. It is sometimes referred to as the Anderson Iris dataset because Edgar Anderson collected data to measure the morphological variation of Iris flowers of three related species. The dataset consists of 50 samples from each of the three Iris species (Iris Setosa, Iris virginica and Iris versicolor).

Four properties were extracted from each sample:

  1. The length of the sepals in centimeters
  2. The width of the sepals in centimeters
  3. The length of the petals in centimeters
  4. The width of the petals in centimeters

This dataset becomes a typical test case for many statistical classification techniques in machine learning, such as support vector machines.

#python #data-analysis #machine-learning #visualization

Data Analysis and Visualization with Python
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