I am really glad I have booked off all 3 days (UK time meant 4–5 pm start) of Cloud-native KubeCon.

I have several years of experience working with Kubernetes and I am CKA and CKAD certified. Having delved into the abyss of true native GitOps CI/CD, and recently with The Service Mesh, I thought I was ready for this.

I believed, with my experience, I was reasonably well versed with the technologies, the vendors, and the Open Source community offering by now. Oh, how wrong I was.

This was so Q1 2020.

It should not be a surprise, looking at the (CNCF) Cloud Native Landscape — it is vast and growing yet.

#service-mesh #cncf #cloudnativecon #gitops #kubernetes

My notes on Kubernetes and GitOps from KubeCon & ServiceMeshCon sessions 2020 (CNCF)
1.15 GEEK