This is the first episode of the new Meteor & Svelte tutorial series. By using Meteor and Svelte you can build modern reactive web application with easy.

Meteor is on open source full-stack JavaScript frameworks to build responsive and reactive web, desktop and mobile apps. Meteor is fully based on JavaScript and covers back-end and front-end. This means you can use just one programming language in all parts of your application.

The frameworks makes data management and access extremely easy. It providers full-stack reactivity, allowing your UI to seamlessly reflect the true state of the data which is managed in the back-end with just minimal development effort

On the client side Meteor makes it possible to use modern JavaScript front-end frameworks like Angular, React, Vue, or Svelte. In this tutorial series we’re going to use Svelte exclusively.

Svelte is a new approach to building user interfaces. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app.

In this first part of this tutorial series you’ll learn how to get Meteor installed on your system and create a new project from scratch. Let’s get started …

#reactive #meteor & svelte #introduction #setup

Building Full-Stack Reactive Web Applications - 01: Introduction and Setup
1.15 GEEK