A TODO application developed using Vue

Vue-todo application

A TODO application developed using Vue, including login, to-do, schedule, history, and recycle bin. The project is relatively small and suitable for advanced learning (💡Please note that the project uses jsx extensively for development).

  1. 👍 Used to learn jsx use
  2. 👍 Best practices for learning vue3 grammar
  3. 👍 A small project without losing the essence
  4. 👍 Provide templates that can be used to extend your other technical practices

Project branch description

At present, the front-end part of the vue2 version of the project has been completed (the back-end interface temporarily uses mockjs). Next, node will be used for back-end development. The Vue3 version is being adjusted. Those interested can pull the vite-vue3 branch to view😍。

🍂The main branch application is created using vue-cli, and the technology stack is vue2.6 + jsx, ts, less, vant-ui, mockjs

🚀The vite-vue3 branch application is created with vite, and the technology stack is vue3 + jsx, ts, less, mockjs

Development and use

  git clone git@github.com: luchx / ECHI_VUE_TODO.git
  npm install
  npm run serve:mock         ## 访问 http://localhost:9000

Use adaptive solutions in the project

See Configuration Reference.

The mobile compatible solution adopts lib-flexible + px2rem and is developed according to the design draft 750 standard. Detailed instructions: https://github.com/amfe/article/issues/17

  • Write px directly, it will be directly converted into rem after compilation — except for the following two cases, use this for other lengths
  • Add / no / after px, px will not be converted, it will be output as it is, generally border needs this
  • Adding / px / after px will generate three sets of codes according to the difference of dpr. Normal fonts need to use this

Download Details:

Author: luchx

Source Code: https://github.com/luchx/ECHI_VUE_TODO

#vue #vuejs #javascript

A TODO application developed using Vue
2.40 GEEK