Nx offers first-class support for Angular and React out-of-the-box. But one of the questions the Nrwl team often hears from the community is how to use AngularJS (Angular 1.x) in Nx. Nx is a great choice for managing an AngularJS to Angular upgrade, or just for consolidating your existing polyrepo approach to AngularJS into a monorepo to make maintenance a little easier.

In this article, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create an Nx workspace for an AngularJS application
  • Migrate an AngularJS application into your Nx workspace
  • Convert an existing build process for use in Nx
  • Use Webpack to build an AngularJS application
  • Run unit and end-to-end tests

For this example, you’ll be migrating the Real World AngularJS application from Thinkster.io. You should clone this repo so you have access to the code before beginning.
There is also a repo that shows a completed example of this guide.

#nx #monorepo #angular

Migrating an AngularJS Project into an Nx Workspace
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